after school care: $75.00 (Bixby location only)

All programs require a non refundable deposit equal to 2 weeks of care. To be applied to

first month of care. Deposits are due at the time of signing a contract no less than 15 days

prior to start date and no more than 30 days before start date. Spots will be held no more 

than 30 days prior to start date with a deposit.
Hours of Operation:
Regular day hours of child care - 8:00-5:00 pm
Limited overtime available 8:00-5:30 pm
Limited early hours available at our Bixby location 7:00 am drop off.
Full Time Child Care: all spaces are considered full time regardless of days
$1200 per month 8:00-5:00 pm
$1400 per month 8:00-5:30 pm (limited overtime available)
$675 per week up to 9 hours per day (Bixby location only - limited one to one Care up to 3 children max)
* Our Bixby location will have a small cohort limited to 3 children under 4 years old specializing in one to one care)
Early/extended or overtime hours are billed at $200 additional per month per additional 1/2 hour of care after 5:30 pm.
Part Time Child Care: after school care / school age only

$680 - $850 per month depending on amount of school inservice days (Tk or kindergarten)
Hourly rate: Only applies to drop in care for less than 3 hours
Over time: rate applies after 5:00 pm
(pre arranged overtime is billed at $10 per half hour.
Daily rate: (no contract drop in - former clients only)
$65 per day up to 5:00 pm
$75 per day up to 5:30 pm
Operational days: 48 weeks per year
we are closed up to 25 days per year may include but no limited to: (we will provide alternative care for 5 days per year)
New Year’s Day
President’s Day
Spring Break or Winter Break (rotates every other year)
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving weekend
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
2 week provider vacation ( varies throughout the year )